After undergraduate studies at the University of Bordeaux where I worked in the lab of Prof. Y. Landais and spent few months as Erasmus student in the lab of Prof. H. Brintzinger at the University of Konstanz, Germany, I moved to the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse in 2003 for my PhD. I worked under the guidance of Prof. R. Bouhadir and Prof. D. Bourissou on the synthesis and coordination chemistry of mono-, di-, and tri-phosphine-borane compounds showing in particular direct metal→borane interaction. After graduating in 2006, I did a postdoc in 2007-2008 with Prof. R. Jordan at the University of Chicago studying elementary steps of olefin/CO copolymerization with Pd(phosphine-sulfonate) catalysts, and in McGill University in Montreal in 2008-2009 in the team of Prof. B. Arndtsen on palladium-catalyzed one-pot multicomponent synthesis of heterocycles. I then moved back to Toulouse as Chargé de Recherche in 2009 to work in LCC. Since then, I am developing researches directed at CO2 transformations using boranes or silanes and at the synthesis of new first row metal complexes.
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